Monday, December 13, 2010

NEW NAME - let's rename SEWNY!

The Task Force for the simulation educators of western NY (formerly SEWNY) recently held a meeting by phone conference and is moving forward for formalizing our group. On of our first steps will be to change our name so the acronym is not so simular to SUNY.

What are your ideas for a new name?
Please post your creative ideas, and let's respond to each other.

Together we are better!

When I meet with any of you I realize how we each have such unique ideas and abilities. There is so much synergy and when we come together a potential is created for deeper learning, richer understanding, and better patient care. Thank you to each of you for your participation.



Doreen said...

Hi Sara, I was unable to attend the phone conference as I was at a terrible busy time at the end of the semester. I will think of a name and submit.... look forward.

Margaret said...

Hi Sara,
I'm afraid I've fallen somewhat out of the loop. Phone conference? Where should I log in to find out more about joining the conference. I too will work on thinking of a name to submit.
(SUNY DMC, Bklyn, NY)

peggy tighe said...

hi all
maybe we can just add an L and pronounce us SLEWNY (sloo-nee)
Simulation Laboratory Educators of Western New York. Perhaps something with "super users" in it because according to Jeffries that's what we all are. Just throwing that out there.
Peg Tighe-Trocaire College

Janice Volland said...

How about (USERS) Upstate Simulation Education Resource Society?

Upstate makes it broader geographically and Educators makes it broad demographically.

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