Friday, December 9, 2011

Laerdal SUN conference: Registration OPEN

Registration Now Open!     Foxwoods SUN Conference - April 10-12, 2012

2012 marks the 10th Anniversary of the Simulation User Network - don't miss your chance to be part of the celebration. The Foxwoods SUN Conference on April 10-12, 2012 at the MGM Grand at Foxwoods in Mashantucket, CT is now open for registration! Join Laerdal Medical and a host of experts for three days of education through sharing of best practices, exploring some of the latest technology and networking with peers. For details and to register, go to

Monday, November 28, 2011

Free Online Modules for Simulation Pedagogy!

The University of Washington has developed online modules for teaching the pedagogy of simulation. Most of them are up now and ready for use. Because this project was funded by a government grant, you need to register (for free) to take a course. Three more modules will be coming online soon. Please take a look, tell your friends.  The website is

Simulation Research: NCSBN underway!

As the discussion continues about how much simulation is enough, research is underway to examine the issue. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing is in Phase II conducting research on clinical and simulation teaching using 3 study groups: Clinical with < 10% simulation, 25% simulation, and 50% simulation. You can track the progress of this study at


Friday, October 14, 2011

HAWAII iSIM, Dec 5-7, 2011

For more information click THIS LINK.

ELITE Simulation Workshop Dec 1 & 2, 2011 (Pittsburgh, PA)

Here is a great opportunity to enhance your skills in simulation. This 2 day ELITE workshop, Dec 1 and 2, earns 15.75 CEUs. Presenters are experienced and expert simulation educators, some of whom have published on the topic. It includes interactive practice and feedback. I attended this workshop and found it very helpful, informative, and motivating. I highly recommend it whether you are just starting or are fairly experienced.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

NYS LRG Meeting, Utica College, Nov. 4, 2011

NYS LRG Meeting
Hosted by Libby Gleasman MS, FNP-BC & Nancy Vaccaro RN, MS

Place: Utica College/Boehlert Conference Room (back entrance of Boehlert Dorm)
Date: November 4, 2011
Time: 10:00AM – 2:00PM

10:00 – 10:15 Coffee, tea & Bagels provided by Utica College
10:15 - 10:30 What is happening with NYS LRG?
10:30 – 11:30 Speaker: Andrea Ackerman, PhD,RN,CNE, Associate Professor of Nursing, Division of Nursing Chair, Mount Saint Mary College

Topic: “Standards of Best Practice in Simulation” (INACSL)
11:30 – 11:45 Open Dialogue
11:45 – 12: 30 Lunch (beverage supplied please bring a bag lunch)
12:30 – 1:45 Poster Presentation “What are you doing”
1:45 – 2:00 Wrap Up, Who will host the next meeting?

The focus of this conference is to share what members are doing with simulations. If you have a poster, presentation, or an idea please submit an abstract to or to present that day. The deadline for submission will be October 20th. Please provide the following along with the abstract (keep to 75 words or less).

• Topic with abstract
• Name with credentials
• College or University
• Any equipment needed

Directions & lodging found on Utica College website:

Monday, October 10, 2011

Looking for role players

Are you interested in role acting / playing? The Behling Simulation Center is looking for people to play a variety of roles during simulation sessions, for example, family members and other health professionals. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to Thanks!

Simulation Course Offerings for 2012

Time to plan ahead, folks!

Would you like to learn more about teaching using simulation? The Behling Simulation Center at the University at Buffalo is pleased to announce our 2012 course dates for simulation methodology courses! Each course provides the hands on, practical knowledge you need to provide effective immersive simulations for your students. Classes are small (8-10 learners each) and provide a mentoring environment for the learner.

Nuts and Bolts of Simulation Methodology:

March 14-16, 2012

June 4-6, 2012

August 15-17, 2012

November 14-16, 2012

Fine Tuning Debriefing Skills:

June 7 & 8, 2012

(Note, you must have either taken a simulation methodology course or actively running and debriefing immersive simulation exercises for at least one year as a prerequisite for this course).

TeamSTEPPS Skills and Coach Development:

September 10 & 11, 2012

A more detailed description of the course content, tuition, lodging and on-line registration can be found by following this link: or by calling (716) 829-2467.

The Behling Simulation Center is located at the University at Buffalo in the Academic Health Center servicing the five health professions schools at the University specializing in immersive patient care management simulation with a focus on interprofessional simulation education.

Buffalo can be conveniently reached by air or ground transportation and is located 20 minutes from Niagara Falls, two hours South of the major metropolitan area of Toronto, ON, three hours from Cleveland, OH, and an hour's flight from most East coast and Mid-west airline hubs.

We hope to see you in Buffalo!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Temporary Tattoo Paper for moulage

Here's a link for a product to use in your sim moulage, temporary tattoo paper. This is not a simulation product, so always test on a hidden portion of your manikin or task trainer before applying to be sure it will not damage your equipment. The link has been added to SimBlog's weblinks to the right of this post.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

November 4, 2011 SAVE THE DATE!

Utica College (Utica, NY) will host the next New York State Learning Resource Group (NYS LRG) conference on November 4th. Save the date - more details to follow!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


The International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Standards Committee is pleased to announce the online version of our first seven Simulation Standards.
We have arranged for open access to these new Simulation Standards for a limited time only: through the end of this month, via this link:

We welcome your feedback, ongoing discussion, and participation in future development. Please e-mail your comments or questions to

Thank you!                                                                                     The 2010-2011 Standards Committee

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Employment opportunity

The Behling Simulation Center at the Academic Health Sciences Center, University at Buffalo ( has an opening for a Simulation Technician. Please check out the description posted on the HR Jobs board at UB (

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Simulation Evaluation Tools

I am adding two links on this blog for evaluation tools you can use to collect data on your simulations. Look to the left column of the blog for the NLN and METI evaluation links!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

2 Day Hands on "Intro-to-Debriefing" Course in Las Vegas:

2 Day Hands on "Intro-to-Debriefing" Course in Las Vegas:

What: This 2 day course will provide participants with functional methodology and extensive debriefing techniques design to create proactive, objective, and a safe environment to help learners identify and close performance gaps. This highly interactive course also offers extensive practice with techniques to link the immersive simulation experience with objective video review, facilitated discussion, learner behavior management, and pro-active performance gap mitigation. This course is HANDS ON and the "best in the west"!

(Then join us for the Gathering of Technicians Meeting!)

When: August 3rd - 4th, 2011

Where: Clinical Simulation Center of Las Vegas

Who Should Apply: Clinical educators who are new to simulation debriefing and looking for the BEST way to get hands on experience from leading experts!

Cost: $1200 per person


Registration Link (including all payment method details):

About the Instructors: This course is being taught by the experts from Medical Simulation Design. ( Medical Simulation Design may very well be the best-kept secret in the Healthcare Simulation industry. Jane Kleinman RN, MAOM and Kristy Chambers RN, MSN have traveled the world developing simulation programs from Kaiser Permanente in San Jose to Cleveland Clinic in Abu Dhabi.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

SIMone's Simulation Rounds - In person or webinar!

 You're invited to SIMone's Simulation Rounds

SIMone Simulations Rounds can be seen via live webcast!


Thursday, May 12, 2011

4:00pm – 6:00pm

An afternoon of innovation and education!  SIMone’s Simulation Rounds are interactive, educational events that celebrate and educate on simulation – with a focus on highlighting the excellence of the expertise here within Ontario.

Engaging and knowledgeable presenters
For our next rounds:
Dr. Rodrigo Cavalcanti, the co-founder of CEEP (the Centre for Excellence in Education and Practice) will be delivering a presentation on Integrated Simulation for Knee Arthrocentesis.
Wendy Stanyon, an Associate Professor from the UOIT (the University of Ontario Institute of Technology), will be presenting on the MindSight project, a website devoted to remove stigma and educate on mental health issues.

Available on live webcast!
For those not able to attend, the Simulation Rounds can be viewed via live webcast. To view the webcast, please go to where you will be asked to login or create an account.
The SIMone Simulation Rounds will take place on Thursday, May 12 from 4:00pm - 6:00 pm at 1 King’s College Circle at Discovery Commons in the University of Toronto’s Medical Sciences Building in Room 3172.

For additional information, please contact John Gilson at or at 647-837-5851. We also encourage participants to visit our website

( where information will be posted.

Our mailing address is:
60 Murray Street, Room L1-045
Toronto, Ontario
M5T 3L9

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Simulation-based education research course

Simulation Research Refined Atelier -- A 4-day intensive course in Simulation-Based Education Research

Date: May 3 - 6, 2011
Location: Toronto, Ontario

SIMone Ontario Simulation Network and the Wilson Centre are proud to present their course "Simulation Research Refined Atelier", a four-day intensive course in advanced simulation-based education research. Participants will have the opportunity to refine and enhance their skills in this dynamic and interactive course led by world respected researchers in simulation-based education research.

Additional information and online registration available at


If you have any questions or require additional information please contact Katherine Papadimitriou (

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Simulation Accreditation through SSH

The Society for Simulation in Healthcare is now providing a process to accredit simulation labs. Follow this link to learn more!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Re: Technology discussion...

Accessing information at the bedside using electronic devices is relevant and a skill to integrate into our education practices, Scott. The most recent issue of the Journal of Nursing Education (their 50th anniversary!) highlights educational technologies like Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), podcasts, simulation, and even texting in an undergraduate nursing course.

Cibulka & Crane-Wider (2011) successfully added PDAs to undergraduate and graduate nursing programs for students to access clinical relevant information at the point of care. They offer suggestions for successful implementation. Perhaps notebooks will be used as well. I like the idea of something I can fit in my pocket, unless the facility has these available at each bedside.

Of course another issue of infection control arises. Facility-based computers can have wipeable keyboards. A personal device could become a problem for isolation rooms in particular. Can anyone speak to how these issues are handled in your environments? My thought is that if users wash their hands before using devices consistently and do not set them down, there should be no problem.



Cibulka, N.J. & Crane-Wider, L. (2011). Introducing personal digital assistants to enhance nursing education in undergraduate and graduate nursing program. Journal of Nursing Education, 50 (2), 115-117.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Technology and simulation

So, folks, belatedly I log my first blog posting to SimBlog_TechN-Educ. Recently attended the IMSH sponsored by SSiH. Interesting experience - not used to being in one place with so many people all interested and or 'doing' high fidelity / immersive simulation experiences (and other forms of simulation).

First, let's cover technology and then look at it, briefly, as related to simulation. It is clearly apparent information technology is rapidly moving toward ubiquity (the ultimate transparency). Computers, or at the very least computational 'chips', are pretty much integrated into 'work', 'academia', and 'home', whether via overt forms (aka 'PCs,' smart and non-smart phones, netbooks, laptops, and the list goes on & on - you get the drift). Computer chips are also now transparent in cars, appliances (see refrigerators and washers), house thermostats, and so forth. Truly invisible!

Laptop computers have rapidly transitioned to the preferred form factor for everyday use for a variety of reasons (mobile, powerful, cheap being the leading reasons as I see it). The rapid proliferation of wireless broadband access (see Starbucks, Tim Hortons, Panera, and other such eateries) makes mobility not a hook but an everyday expectation by thousands of road warriors.

So, now that the stage is set (or is it?), what about this sort of technology and its 'place' in high-fidelity / immersive simulation experiences? Well, for one, I see tablets moving into simulations in a variety of functions. I mean tablets along the lines of the iPad versus older iterations (such as the device used by Gaumard simulators). The newer tablets are lighter and easier to work with from a user point of view. Screen is easier to see; better resolution (all things being equal), too. How would tablets work in simulations?

I see these devices fulfilling roles much as in reality; viewing electronic records, viewing xray and other procedural video / records, and so forth. The possibility also exists for users to document in the health record during the simulation, too. I firmly believe the technology is now available for this as off-the-shelf applications. It is a matter of fitting the pieces together, if-you-will.

Ok, done for now. More later! As always, YMMV!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sim Courses: Behling Simulation Center, Buffalo, NY

The Behling Simulation Center at the University at Buffalo is pleased to announce their 2011 dates for simulation methodology courses! Classes are small (8-10 learners each) and provide a mentoring environment. A more detailed description of the course content, tuition, lodging and on-line registration can be found by following this link:
or by calling (716) 829-2467.

Note: These courses have not been evaluated by the blog. This is an informational post, not a recommendation. Thank you.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sim Educator's PLAY DAY, February 2011

Simulation Educators of Western New York (SEWNY) Presents Another

Simulation Play Day
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
9 AM – 3 PM

This is our third SEWNY Simulation Play Day. The format will be similar to our previous Play Days held at Roberts Wesleyan College. However, this Play Day will be at the Wolk Center for Excellence in Nursing at Monroe Community College (MCC). The event provides a small-group with an informal format for discussion and collaboration on our use of simulation in nursing education. We will work on scenarios for our own use and to share. While we will provide scenarios to work from, please feel free to bring your own scenarios.

SEWNY Simulation Play Day Facilitators are:
Sara Manning, MS, RN, (Roberts Wesleyan College) and
Renee Sylvies, MS, RN (Kaleida Health)

Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 from 9 am to 3 pm. (Registration begins at 8:30 am)
Fee: $25 Non-refundable (includes light breakfast and lunch)

Mail your fee to: 
Janice Volland RN, MS
Monroe Community College, Department of Nursing, 1000 East Henrietta Road, Rochester, NY 14623


Registration opens at 8:30 am with coffee and a light breakfast.
9:00 am Welcome & Introduction
9:15 am Morning Session:
Round Table Discussion: Our Current State of Simulation, both our Struggles and Successes
Frameworks, Models, and Learning Theories: Tools for Strengthening Learning Outcomes
Simulation Development, Validation, and Testing Practices
Educator Resources
Simulation Poster Presentations
12:00 noon Lunch
12:40 pm Afternoon Session:
Tour of MCC’s Nursing Learning Center
Overview of Manikin Basics
Hands on Simulation Practice
2:45 – 3:00 pm Wrap up
Closing Comments and Evaluation

The Wolk Center for Nursing Excellence at MCC’s Brighton Campus, Building 9

Directions to MCC’s Brighton Campus:

Map of MCC’s Brighton Campus:

Parking Information: You will need a permit to park on campus. One will be mailed to you upon registration.

Questions: Contact

Come out to Play!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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