Dear Colleagues,
As a result of our fall business meeting, held 09/19/2012 at Roberts Wesleyan College,
our current plans include:
- We would like to increase activity on this blog and encourage anyone to post links that are useful for nursing education, particularly as related to simulation. If you want to post, see if you can. If the blog does not accept your post, contact
- Sara Manning, Ginny Riggall, and Janice Volland are meeting to plan a Spring conference, hopefully with a national speaker, for 2013 at Monroe Community College (MCC).
- Janice Volland will plan another round of Round Robins
- John McIntyre will seek out DNP students who are doing projects related to simulation to present at Round Robins
- We will begin a dialogue called "The PROJECT" to discuss possible ways to develop simulation evaluation to improve quality. This grew out of a discussion about developing teams for a Simulation Olympics. The overall decision was to put this on hold while we define our objectives and consider logistics.