Monday, April 23, 2012

NYS LRG: Simulation Conference MAY 18, 2012

The Spring Conference for the New York State Learning Resource Group is now open for registration. This free simulation conference will be in Albany, NY at Memorial School of Nursing on May 18, 2012.

Topics/Speakers will include:

Interdisciplinary Simulation: SIMS Medical Center
Michael Foss, Dean of the School of Health and Patient imulation
Christopher Scott, Director of Clinical Education
Luisa Fugiel MS,RN
Deb Jacques MS,RN


Simulation in Psychiatric Nursing: Exploring Cognitive Dissonance
Diana O’Brien BSN, RN

For more information or to register:
Call: (518) 471-3260 or
Email: or
Mail form to:
Attn: Becky Reed
Memorial School of Nursing; 600 Northern Blvd; Albany, NY, 12204

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