Friday, October 19, 2012

Upcoming LAERDAL SUN Conference 2013!

2013 Indianapolis SUN Conference
April 9-11, 2013
Sheraton Indianapolis City Centre, Indianapolis, IN

Friday, October 12, 2012

UPDATE: Simulation Educators of Western NY (SEWNY)

Dear Colleagues,

As a result of our fall business meeting, held 09/19/2012 at Roberts Wesleyan College,
our current plans include:
  • We would like to increase activity on this blog and encourage anyone to post links that are useful for nursing education, particularly as related to simulation. If you want to post, see if you can. If the blog does not accept your post, contact
  • Sara Manning, Ginny Riggall, and Janice Volland are meeting to plan a Spring conference, hopefully with a national speaker, for 2013 at Monroe Community College (MCC).
  • Janice Volland will plan another round of Round Robins
  • John McIntyre will seek out DNP students who are doing projects related to simulation to present at Round Robins
  • We will begin a dialogue called "The PROJECT" to discuss possible ways to develop simulation evaluation to improve quality. This grew out of a discussion about developing teams for a Simulation Olympics. The overall decision was to put this on hold while we define our objectives and consider logistics.

CAE Healthcare 2013 Simulation Conference

HPSN World 2013

San Francisco, CA USA
Jun 30, 2013 - Jul 2, 2013  

Monday, July 16, 2012

Laerdal SUN October 2-4, 2012 in Phoenix!

Save the date: Phoenix SUN Conference - October 2-4, 2012
To learn more, go to:

Monday, April 23, 2012

NYS LRG: Simulation Conference MAY 18, 2012

The Spring Conference for the New York State Learning Resource Group is now open for registration. This free simulation conference will be in Albany, NY at Memorial School of Nursing on May 18, 2012.

Topics/Speakers will include:

Interdisciplinary Simulation: SIMS Medical Center
Michael Foss, Dean of the School of Health and Patient imulation
Christopher Scott, Director of Clinical Education
Luisa Fugiel MS,RN
Deb Jacques MS,RN


Simulation in Psychiatric Nursing: Exploring Cognitive Dissonance
Diana O’Brien BSN, RN

For more information or to register:
Call: (518) 471-3260 or
Email: or
Mail form to:
Attn: Becky Reed
Memorial School of Nursing; 600 Northern Blvd; Albany, NY, 12204

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

SUNY Binghamton April 2012 sim conference

Conversations in the Discipline: Simulation in Health Care
DATE: Friday, April 20, 2012
TIME: 7:30 AM - 4:45 PM
Conversations in the Disciplines (CID): Simulation in Health Care is a conference developed with the Decker School of Nursing (DSON), the Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science at the State University of New York (SUNY) Binghamton, in partnership with local hospitals

Agenda: click here

Conference Location:
Traditions at the Glen Resort and Conference Center
4101 Watson Boulevard
Johnson City, New York 13790
(607) 797-2381

Conference Fee
Early Bird Fees (Available until March 15) $125.00
Registration Fee After March 15th $150.00
To register for the conference please visit the website or call 607-777-6857

July Sim Conference in Lincoln, NE

2nd Annual Midwest Conference for Excellence in Clinical Simulation!
Friday July 27, 2012 1530-2015   Registration $45 includes dinner
Reception and Tour of Center for Excellence in Clinical Simulation to follow program
Saturday July 28 0800-1645   Registration $85 includes breakfast and lunch
Attend both days for $120
Registration will be available May 1, 2012 at

Location: BryanLGH Medical Center West, Lincoln, NE

Monday, February 13, 2012

Feb 13, 2012 FREE webinar: Facilitation Methods

Faculty Development: Facilitation Methods in Simulation

Offered in collaboration with The International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) and American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)

February 13, 2012
2:00-3:00 pm (Eastern)
To register:
This webinar is free for INACSL members and AACN members.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Simulation and Improved Clinical Performance

In a recent article evidence was presented showing the positive impact of simulation on clinical performance. To read more, click here!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Simulation Course Offerings for 2012

A reminder regarding simulation course offerings at the Behling Simulation Center

Would you like to learn more about teaching using simulation? The
Behling Simulation Center at the University at Buffalo is pleased to
announce our 2012 dates for simulation methodology courses! Each course
provides the hands on, practical knowledge you need to provide effective
immersive simulations for your students. Classes are small (8-10
learners each) and provide a mentoring environment for the learner.

Nuts and Bolts of Simulation Methodology:
March 14-16, 2012
June 4-6, 2012
August 15-17, 2012
November 14-16, 2012

Fine Tuning Debriefing Skills:
June 7-8, 2012
(Note, you must have either taken a simulation methodology course or
actively running and debriefing immersive simulation exercises for at
least one year as a pre-requisite for this course).

A more detailed description of the course content, tuition, lodging and
on-line registration can be found by following this link: or by calling (716) 829-2467.

The Behling Simulation Center is located at the University at Buffalo in
the Academic Health Center servicing the five health professions schools
at the University specializing in immersive patient care management
simulation with a focus on interprofessional simulation education.
Buffalo can be conveniently reached by air or ground transportation and
is located 20 minutes from Niagara Falls, two hours South of the major
metropolitan area of Toronto, ON, three hours from Cleveland, OH, and an
hour's flight from most East coast and Mid-west airline hubs.

We hope to see you in Buffalo!

Monday, January 9, 2012

SSiH Annual Conference

The 12th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) will be held January 27 – February 1, 2012, in San Diego, California (

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