Monday, December 13, 2010

NEW NAME - let's rename SEWNY!

The Task Force for the simulation educators of western NY (formerly SEWNY) recently held a meeting by phone conference and is moving forward for formalizing our group. On of our first steps will be to change our name so the acronym is not so simular to SUNY.

What are your ideas for a new name?
Please post your creative ideas, and let's respond to each other.

Together we are better!

When I meet with any of you I realize how we each have such unique ideas and abilities. There is so much synergy and when we come together a potential is created for deeper learning, richer understanding, and better patient care. Thank you to each of you for your participation.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Registration Open: OCTOBER 16, 2010 Roberts Wesleyan College/NYSLRG Simulation Conference

Roberts Wesleyan College (RWC) and the New York State Learning Resource Group (NYSLRG) and the Simulation Educators of Western New York (SEWNY) are pleased to present the second RWC Simulation Conference

Roberts Wesleyan College, 2301 Westside Dr., Rochester, NY 14624

Saturday, Oct. 16, 2010, 8 am to 4 pm
Friday pre-Conference with early registration and Vital Sim workshop from 1-4 pm

Keynote Speaker: Sharon Decker, RN, PhD, ACNS-BC, ANEF Professor and Director of The F. Marie Hall SimLife Center, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Dr. Sharon Decker is a faculty member at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) Anita Thigpen Perry School of Nursing. She has taught courses from the fundamentals to advanced medical surgical nursing. Additionally, Dr. Decker is the Director of TTUHSC’s Quality Enhancement Program; Interprofessional Teamwork. Dr. Decker has presented at multiple conferences and provided consultation for nursing schools through-out the United States and abroad related to the integration of simulation into various curricula. She has been the recipient of numerous grants, participated in multiple national research studies related to simulation, and has been recognized multiple times for her excellence in teaching.
Registration fee: $75 (nonrefundable)
To register call Donna or Cheryl at 585-594-6330.

Monday, June 14, 2010

July 22, 2010 2nd Simulation Play Day

We will repeat the simulation play day in July! The information is the same as for the June Play Day so please see that post (immediately below) for information on the agenda and how to register. Registration will close on July 15. Hope to see you there!

Sara and Renee

Friday, May 14, 2010

Simulation Play Day JUNE 17 at Roberts Wesleyan College

The Simulation Educators of Western NY (SEWNY) Simulation Play Day will be a small-group, informal format for discussion and collaboration on our use of simulation in nursing education. We will work on scenarios for our own use and to share. SEWNY Simulation Play Day facilitators are Sara Manning, MS, RN, and Renee Sylvies, MS, RN.
Date: Thursday, June 17, 2010, from 9 am to 3 pm. (This is a change from the June 1st date).
Fee: $25 Non-refundable (to cover lunch and overhead costs)     Please note: The JUNE Play Day is full. Please watch for upcoming Play Days to be announced. Thanks for the great response!
Call to Register by May 28, 2010 (585-594-6330).

We are requesting a limit of 2 persons per organization. If the Simulation Play Day fills and you are unable to register, we are planning additional events throughout the coming year.

Registration opens at 8:30 am with coffee and muffins provided.
9:00     Welcome & Introduction
9:20      Round Table Discussion: Struggles and successes we are encountering
10:00    Frameworks, models, and learning theories – Tools for strengthening simulation learning outcomes
11:00    Break
11:10    Simulation Validation and Testing – Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSIH) and
                      other scenario sources
12:00 - 12:40 Lunch (Provided)
12:40    Run it and Debrief it. (Hands-on simulation practice)
1:45      Resources:
• Simulation literature and training: What is available, what we can create as a group to share.
• Introducing INACSL Standards (under construction).
2:45 – 3:00 Closing comments and evaluations

Emerging Learning and Integrated Technologies Education (ELITE) through the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing

I recently returned from the University of Pittsburgh’s ELITE training workshop on simulation for nurse educators. This 2 ½ day program was a great experience and one you may want to look into for advancing your own simulation knowledge and skill. The workshop addresses curriculum integration, advances in simulation research and education, and simulation skills for educators in curriculum development and implementation. The last day is very interactive. We wrote a scenario and ran it, practiced debriefing with feedback from expert debriefers, and viewed 3 other groups present their scenarios. It was a small group format and has inspired our own presentation of Simulation Play Day, a one-day event that we hope you will enjoy locally.

If you want to find more out about the ELITE events, visit


Sunday, April 11, 2010

RWC February Conference shows We Want To Collaborate. SimBlog OPEN to increased viewing.

Roberts Wesleyan College hosted our first simulation conference in February, 2010. The evaluations have been reviewed and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. We would like to keep the collaboration developing through more opportunities to meet and share. Save the date: June 1st, for a Simulation Play Day from 8 am to noon. Details will be announced on the BLOG.

Also this blog will become more widely accessible and  open to viewing by anyone on the internet. Only known contacts may publish posts. The BLOG administrator must give "author" privileges for you to be able to post. Invitations can be requested by contacting the SimBlog administrator, and are subject to approval.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Nursing Summit at Nazareth College

Innovations in Teaching:
The Impact of Technology and Global Perspectives on Education for Health Care Professionals
June 14 & 15, 2010
Nazareth College
4245 East Avenue
Rochester, New York 14618

For more information contact:
For registration information call the Nazareth Nursing Department: (585) 389-2709

NLN Simulation Workshops

Past event. To look for future NLN workshops go to

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Scenarios Available! Free online access!

The Kansas State Board of Nursing has a Simulation Scenario Blank with free downloads! Try this link!

They also have a scenario library form so you can contribute your simulations to the bank.


Friday, February 5, 2010

Electronic Medical Record

Hello, Are any of you using an electronic medical record system in your nursing program or do you know of any?
Thank you, Vivian

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