Roberts Wesleyan College (RWC) and the New York State Learning Resource Group (NYSLRG) and the Simulation Educators of Western New York (SEWNY) are pleased to present the second RWC Simulation Conference
Roberts Wesleyan College, 2301 Westside Dr., Rochester, NY 14624
Saturday, Oct. 16, 2010, 8 am to 4 pm
Friday pre-Conference with early registration and Vital Sim workshop from 1-4 pm
Keynote Speaker: Sharon Decker, RN, PhD, ACNS-BC, ANEF Professor and Director of The F. Marie Hall SimLife Center, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Dr. Sharon Decker is a faculty member at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) Anita Thigpen Perry School of Nursing. She has taught courses from the fundamentals to advanced medical surgical nursing. Additionally, Dr. Decker is the Director of TTUHSC’s Quality Enhancement Program; Interprofessional Teamwork. Dr. Decker has presented at multiple conferences and provided consultation for nursing schools through-out the United States and abroad related to the integration of simulation into various curricula. She has been the recipient of numerous grants, participated in multiple national research studies related to simulation, and has been recognized multiple times for her excellence in teaching.
Registration fee: $75 (nonrefundable)
To register call Donna or Cheryl at 585-594-6330.